Are you stressed because you do not have the answer to a problem? Are you doubting the relevance of your education or the headlines on the news? Do not fret! Standing at two feet tall and with a mop of brown hair covering his face is “Keith,” the person wiser than us all. “Keith” holds.
aisle seat. guest: plan ahead. you can get the seat next to your child or spouse if you plan ahead and if you do not, the airlines will say, you have to pay up. this is the airlines telling you, look, we have cut back on capacity to the point we are filling every seat on the airplane. good for them. they are making more money per passenger on the flights. these are private companies. we do not want the government to say you have an obligation to seat sally joe next to her father. that is not the way we want businesses to work in this country. and, come on, oil prices are still above $90 a barrel today, jet fuel costs soaring. the airlines continue to have regulations then at them and they are struggling to survive and we should be happy we have airlines that can still get us from point (a) to point (b) safely and, in many cases, timely.
public union policy needs to be reformed. so they have to switch to other issues that may help them win the election. stuart: what the ethics issue they would switch to? guest: one is ethics where interest of the aides are under investigation for maneuvers they may is done when he was head of the milwaukee executive committee. but, there is no indication that scott walker himself is implicated. the other issue is jobs. he is trying to make jobs an issue, and the democratic indicated that a government report showed wisconsin has lost jobs since scott walker has been governor. and for walker recently issued his own numbers that indicatedded that is not true and they have actually added jobs so he is trying to mitigate that issue. stuart: so the polls show governor walker in the need but wisconsin in national elections in presidential elections wisconsin has gone democrat for roughly the last 20 odd years, five elections i believe. now, suppose that governor walker, republica