A photographer whose strikingly intimate portraits of Bob Dylan captured the singer-songwriter during a pivotal year in popular music, Daniel Kramer traced Dylan's evolution from a cheery, tousle-haired folk act to an enigmatic, sunglass-clad rock star.
The songwriting maestro Bob Dylan is now recognised as an painter of considerable heft and ability. But there are very few pieces remaining from his early pe.
My husband, documentary photographer Edward Grazda, was invited to attend the May 2022 opening of the Bob Dylan Center in Tulsa, Okla. Still squeamish about traveling, he decided we should not attend, and it turned out COVID was spread at the opening dinner. A couple of months ago my husband mentioned he has a photo […]
Hartford ― Supporters of a bill that would allow pharmacists to prescribe birth control medication stressed the importance Monday of increasing access to contraception in under-served or rural areas, .
A federal judge last week dismissed a wide-ranging lawsuit filed by the former executive director of the Windsor Housing Authority alleging that various officials, residents and entities conspired to have her fired because she is Black and because of her national origin, and that her constitutional rights were violated.