Matron of planned care, Liz Gunsel, was the recipient of the milestone jab on Sunday. Liz said: I feel really relieved to have had my vaccine. I also feel that it is an assurance for my patients and family. The vaccine wouldn t have been approved if there were any safety concerns and I think the risks associated with Coronavirus are so severe that we really do need this vaccine. If I had any concerns then I wouldn t have had it but I am happy and relieved that I have. The vaccine was given to her by Sallie Kelsey, interim head of education, who said: It s been a huge team effort for us – and all of the vaccination centres.
She was so loving and so caring, family was everything to her, said Dunski Vermont.
Her mom, Harriet, was exposed to coronavirus at a nursing facility. It makes me so angry because my mom didn t deserve COVID-19, no one deserves COVID-19 but we did everything to prevent her from being exposed, she said.
Harriet was hospitalized just days after being exposed to the virus. Dunski Vermont said her mom survived the virus and doctors were about to send her home, but her family decided she was too weak and sent her back to the nursing facility to get physical therapy.