Parents say man shows up with swastika flags outside Punta Gorda elementary school
Published: July 20, 2021 6:14 PM EDT
Updated: July 21, 2021 5:15 AM EDT
Parents are calling us in outrage over what is happening outside their children’s elementary school. They want a man who bears upsetting flags to stay away from their kids.
Parents of students who attend Sallie Jones Elementary School in Punta Gorda filed a report with police about a man they say has swastika flags and visits outside the school with them, while shouting at parents dropping their kids off.
“I’ve just never seen anything so inappropriate in my whole life,” parent Adam Ackerman said.
Year-round elementary school students return to class in Charlotte County
Published: July 13, 2021 6:22 PM EDT
Updated: July 13, 2021 6:44 PM EDT
It was the first day of school for hundreds of kids in Charlotte County.
Parents have the option to send their kids to year-round school, and those students returned to class Tuesday after their month-long summer break ended.
Sallie Jones Elementary School in Punta Gorda is setting the example for others to follow after a year where nothing felt normal for students.
Ethan and Hailey Shafer are excited for the new school year.
Jacob Hirtzel is ready to take on second grade.