Illuminating . . . Bingham is a generous biographer in this exacting, measured work.
Publishers Weekly Men who inherit great wealth are respected, but women who do the same are ridiculed. In
The Silver Swan, Sallie Bingham rescues Doris Duke from this gendered prison and shows us just how brave, rebellious, and creative this unique woman really was, and how her generosity benefits us to this day.”
“How to write about the fabulously rich? Sallie Bingham, an accomplished memoirist and fiction writer who is herself a notable philanthropist and a woman of great privilege, may be uniquely situated to present the life of the famed tobacco heiress Doris Duke. Writing of Duke’s unconventional love life, palatial estates, 150 employees, stacks of lawyers, pet camels, and billion-dollar philanthropic legacy, Bingham spikes her sympathetic account with wry asides and imperative critique.”
u.n. s charter signing at grace cathedral and he said he would be happy to when he was asked to bring religion to the un lien the nations of the world he realized that the nation s worked together not to make one nation but for shared purpose of trying to create peace and the religions on the other hand weren t working together and so out of that chemical agent and a vision and the question is what are the religion s working together and the visions or of a time or people of all faiths model cooperation for the good of the whole world. i don t s.a. headquarters but still based in san francisco and how many people were involved to run the city core offices here and we have a staff of 16 here in one actually of those people is an extension office of our global another in london but then there are groups here in the san francisco bay area that are part of you or i part of their own operation the san francisco interface council in contra costa and the presidio a wonderful gro
but carried out to many local groups called cooperation circles with over 550 of them in 80 countries over half a million members who each day tried to make some contribution to making that purpose a reality to interfaith cooperation. we are in 80 countries and 550 local groups and over half a million members. the begun here in santa to scope greta that s correct out of an invitation from the un in 1993 to the then episcopal bishop pierre william swing ask him to post a one hour interfaith service from the u.n. charter setting at the grace cathedral and he said he would be happy to and when he was asked to bring religions free nations of the world he realized that the nation s worked together not to make one nation, but for a shared purpose of trying to create peace. the religions of the other hand weren t working together in and out of that can the question and a vision. the question is why aren t religious working together at the vision was of a time when people of all fa