yes, yes. a ha dog y monday, everybody. so imagine you have a big guard dog to keep an eye on your hom y and you depend on the dog to keep your family safe in a tough neighborhood saf. now, imagine the dog disappears for four days. would you notice i?f? the answer is yes. then you re normal. if the answer is njoe o, you ree biden. because how the hell he not know? his secretary of defense was missing for four full daysy of . i mean, it s not like he s hunter on a crack binge. hunteonly showing up to ask for more cash for meth and antibiotics. this a secretary of defense. in case you missed it. and trust me, the white house hopes the world did. lloyd austin was admittet an d to a hospital last monday. now we appreciate the general servicase and we wi him a speedy recovery from whatever the problem is. knowing the military, i hope he s not pregnant. t k but the fact that we don t knowi what the problem is.hen ou the problem. but shouldn t the american people be told
was that too far or not far enough? this is the ukrainian military. it s a bas e crimea. and the russians responded with missiles they got from north kore respondmissilesa. the israelis are facing a rising conflict with lebanonrl ,hezbollah and someone killed 100 people or more at a memorial in iranollah an, whih the iranians blamed on the israelis and us. still anians b no word of clotting cla data or credit. now is it me or does all this sound world war three ish? threeish i wonder how my assi. is coming with that bunker. the main chambe ther is 20 two feet below ground and i set up three bodies walker and ak an steel form to pour concrete. lot o there is still a lot of woo to do, but i am having a blast and enjoying sharing this project with you. such a hard worker. wasn t biden wondering where is defense secretarye secret wae all this was happening? doesn t he get briefings on thing on s other than who s e