confronted and shot trayvon martin in the heart. he got out of that car. nobody told him to get out of that car, number one. number two, we ve said that we don t know george zimmerman. we don t know if he was a racist or not. we know he profiled trayvon martin for some reason. now his cousin thought he was a racist for some reason. and that s something that if she s called to the stand he would be able to cross-examine her on. she called before she knew of ben crumb or any rally saying he was a racist. so that is george zimmerman s family. attorney general ben gentleman man crumb, sir, thank you for joining us, sir. we appreciate it. thank you. we could be day as way from knowing exactly who mitt romney will tap to be his running mate. there are reports that romney is closer to making the decision and may name that person as early as this week. but as nbc s first report out today, it s a bit too early. joining me now is larry sabado.
the will religion was started i 1830. and what s interesting, you know, a lot of religions run businesses. but the mormon church is different in terms of the breadth and depth of the sorts of businesses it runs. it has cattle ranches in the u.s. and australia and brazil. it has the mega mall, as you mentioned. it has a cultural senter in hawaii. capitalism is baked in as an ingredient. a fundamental of how this religion operates. but they don t really talk about that very much. at least not so in a salacious way. it s just a given. right. the church definitely wouldn t refer to itself as a for profit business. it is, as you mentioned, a $40 billion is the latest estimate for the total value of the church. it brings in $8 billion annually just in tithing and then money from these businesses.
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more of it from the obama campaign. chip, joe scarborough said on morning joe about the bain defense something telling. take a listen. i m barack obama, i approve this message. tax havens, offshore accounts, caredied interest. mitt romney used every trick in the book. i agree that is not a good answer. give me a name. give me a face. give me the romney people haven t handled this well. the romney people have not handled this way. give me a name, give me a face. the questions surrounding romney departure from bain points out in 99 to 2002 not changing the letter head. but why not come forward with the real ceo? yeah, i agree. i think they have an opportunity to set it up. this is simple math. he left in 1999 to run the olympics. he couldn t have done both jobs if he was spending six days a week in salt lake. he s an impressive guy but i m