[This unedited press release is made available courtesy of Gamasutra and its partnership with notable game PR-related resource Games Press.]
LOS ANGELES May 12, 2021 Sherwood Extreme
, the free-to-play crossbow shooter with bullet-time and ridiculous co-op action from CAGE Studios, launches today on Steam Early Access for PC, coming soon to Mac and with sights set on Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One for the 1.0 release in Q4 2021.
Robin Hood: friend or foe? Usually, it depends how much money you’re hoarding, but for the goblins who’ve invaded Sherwood, he’s their worst nightmare. Take command of history’s smoothest rogue and reclaim the kingdom with a stylish combination of backflips, parkour, headshots, and bullet-time. Snag sweet loot and pull off sick combos across several game modes and tens of thousands of level variants.
[This unedited press release is made available courtesy of Gamasutra and its partnership with notable game PR-related resource Games Press.]
LOS ANGELES – April 19, 2021 – Sherwood Extreme
, the free-to-play crossbow shooter with bullet-time and ridiculous co-op action, takes aim at Steam Early Access for PC and Mac on Wednesday, May 12, 2021. Also revealed today, CAGE Studios will bring the full release to Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One in addition to the previously announced Steam version in Q4 2021.
When a horde of goblins rears their ugly faces in Sherwood Forest, who better to save the day than Robin Hood, renowned master of archery, parkour, and sick mid-air headshots? Slow-motion dive to dodge incoming arrows, vault over spinning death wheels, and snipe goblins in stylish form. Claim the treasure at each level’s end while racking up a huge combo multiplier, shaving seconds off the clock for the biggest possible score.