The Supreme Court of India on Thursday said that all women irrespective of their marital status are entitled to safe and legal abortion. The apex court said that even a single and unmarried woman has the right to abort an unwanted pregnancy under the Medical Termination of Pregnancy Act and the rules till 24 weeks of pregnancy. "Law in modern times is shedding the notion that
In a very shocking incident, a 22-year-old man was allegedly hacked to death by a group of Nihang Sikhs. The incident took place near the Golden Temple in Amritsar, Punjab. The young man was murdered as he was accused of being drunk and consuming tobacco near the Golden Temple in Amritsar. According to the sources, more than a dozen onlookers have been watching the entire
A 17-year-old Class 11 girl ended her life by hanging herself at her residence in the Ayyambatti area near Sivakasi on Tuesday. This is the fourth recent case of student suicide that has been reported in the last two weeks in Tamil Nadu state. The girl took the extreme step of ending her life when her parents were out on work. She was the younger daughter of Kannan and Meena
Tollywood cine worker who belongs to the costume department allegedly attempted suicide in front of the film federation office today. The employees are demanding a hike in their wages and are staging a protest in front of the film federation office. They announced that the workers are going to seize the film federation office tomorrow and also boycott cinema shootings if their
A 54-year-old woman and her two daughters died after inhaling toxic fumes from an angithi inside their home. The incident took place on Saturday evening in the Vasant Vihar area, Delhi. Police believe it was a triple suicide and suspect that the three died of suffocation. The police also recovered a suicide note. The woman has been identified as Manju and her daughters Anshika