Tokyo governor yuriko koike. And still making the cut. A japanese hair stylist is still wielding the scissors at age 95. The leader of japans Largest Opposition Party has confronted the Prime Minister in the diet for the First Time Since she was elected earlier this month. Translator we havent seen the end of deflation nor a virtuous Economic Cycle taking place. When would a cycle of monetary expansion of consumption and further improvement happen . Dont we need to look into abenomics . Renho said increasing child care and such is the proper path. But shinzo abe said it created a virtuous Economic Cycle. Translator people have been anxious as tax revenue decreased because of the deflation which lasted for more than 20 years. After the ldp came back to power, we were able to create a virtuous Economic Cycle by carrying out my economic policies. We can now say japan is no longer in a deflationary period. Abe said he will fulfill his responsibilities by continuing to push forward with ant