Sakae Kato lives in a wooden house near the Fukushima nuclear zone. Sakae Kato and his cats.   |  Photo Credit: Twitter
Fukushima: Back in 2011, a tragedy took place at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear station. This nuclear debacle is considered one of the most deadly accidents since Chernobyl back in 1986.
Back when the accident happened, a man named Sakae Kato decided to stay back in the nuclear zone for a simple reason- he did not want to abandon the cats that were left by the families living in the area due to the fear of contamination.
Ten years down the line, he is still there, taking good care of them. Back then, Kato had around 64 cats, out of which he buried 23 of them. He is looking after the 41 alive felines. He also took in a dog named Pochi.