Yale School of Nursing (YSN) celebrated the humor, heartbreak, and hope of nursing at the 19th Annual Creative Writing Awards on May 5. The top three finishers each received a $1,000 cash prize: Sajni Persad ’23 MSN, Michaela Gabrielle Serafica ’24 MSN, and Gayelan Tietje-Ulrich ’24 MSN.
An explosion cracked the air, the intensity of the boom indicating proximity to today’s pizza oven demonstration at the nearby Piggly Wiggly. As the sirens started blaring, a triage team of Graduate Entry Prespecialty in Nursing (GEPN) students rushed to the scene of the annual mass-casualty simulation and surveyed the damage. Psychiatric-Mental Health student Daniel
Nursing Celebrates Liberal Arts with Annual Creative Writing Awards
April 27, 2021
The warm strings of a cello bowed by Yale College senior Alma Bitran welcomed more than 200 guests on April 22 to celebrate the 18
th Annual Creative Writing Awards (CWA), a strong tradition of the liberal arts deeply embedded in the Yale School of Nursing (YSN).
Festivities included a keynote address by
New York Times Magazine contributor Linda Villarosa, congratulations for an unprecedented three-time winner, and a farewell to retiring faculty member Linda Honan, ’89 MSN, CNS-BC, RN, ANEF, FAAN who founded the CWA.
Villarosa shared her experience as a writer and journalist covering race, inequality, and health. Her essay on medical myths appeared in the “The 1619 Project” in the