and they started to circulate in the region. a region they didn t know where there was practically nobody to convince since it was the desert. it was an extremely hostile region and between december one thousand nine hundred sixty six and october one thousand nine hundred sixty seven they were like guerrillas without an enemy. they didn t try and enter into contact with enemies and when they did look for them they didn t find any intil the day they got denounced by presence in . their destiny was sealed it was over it if you need i think things were over the moment moscow told mangia get bogged down in the matters to leave things alone not to get any more guerrillas not to seek out the guerrillas
army and by cia agents that chase guerrillas were forced to move. and they started to circulate in the region. a region they didn t know where there was practically nobody to convince since it was the desert. it was an extremely hostile region and between december one thousand nine hundred sixty six and october one thousand nine hundred sixty seven they were like guerrillas without an enemy. they didn t try and enter into contact with enemies and when they did look for them they didn t find any intil the day they got denounced by peasants. their destiny was sealed it was over almost it if you need i think things were over the moment moscow told mangia to let che get bogged down in the matters to leave things alone not to get any more guerrillas not to seek out the guerrillas from the
missing from the restaurant s safe? that s when they learned that saintil visited a local furniture store the day after the murder. the furniture store had a security camera in the office, which showed saintil paying off a $1,200 debt in cash with $100 bills. much of the money stolen from the restaurant was in $100 bills, from the gift certificates they had been selling on the night of the murder. the fact that he pays off his debt at the furniture rental company so quickly after the murder is it s just bizarre. and forensic testing found a connection between saintil s fingerprint in stephen s office and his blood drops near the sink. you had feet print leading to the manager s office and shoe
prints leading from the office to the kitchen. now the case is coming full circle. prosecutors believe wilson saintil was desperate for money, and believed his only recourse was to rob the restaurant where he worked. as the maintenance man, he stopped by after hours, knowing the cash receipts would be in the safe. saintil probably made some noise in the kitchen. stephen walked out of his office to see who was there. hello? that s when stephen saw the knife. stephen ran to his office and tried to close the door, but saintil was still able to get inside. stephen was stabbed more than 40 times and died in his office. as saintil washed his hands and the knife, his blood, possibly from a bloody nose from the
crime scene at that point, and that prevents wilson saintil from coming back and cleaning up the crime scene. when we found out later it was him, it s a weird feeling that he had the nerve to come here to our home the see it s still hard to comprehend that. wilson saintil was tried and convicted of first-degree murder. he was sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole. saintil left evidence behind, some he might have explained, having worked there as an employee. but not all of it. i think forensic science is amazing. that s what solved the case. it just puts that much more of my faith in the system. i m glad it s progressed to where it has and i hope it continues to do so. forensic science in this particular case is 110%.