Meissen is a member of the religious order the Legion of Christ and was ordained as a priest in 2014. (Sam Gonzalez/Saint Leo University)
Press release from Saint Leo University:
Dec. 15, 2020
The word catholic with a lowercase C means universal or inclusive. And that is part of the goals of the Rev. Randall Meissen, university chaplain, for Saint Leo University: to be open and welcoming to all. Meissen recently joined the university and leads the University Ministry team.
Subscribe As the university chaplain, I m very conscious of serving two segments of the university, Meissen said. One side is the important duty that is ministerial sacramental life, and supporting the spiritual needs of our vibrant community. The other is the openness and receptivity to the whole university. I m not here only to say Mass and hear Confession. I m also here to support the broader university a pluralistic, multi-faith community.