On the night of June 23, the eve of the feast of the Nativity of Saint John the Baptist (la Noche de San Juan), many people in Puerto Rico head for the beaches for an evening of feasting and fun to celebrate their patron saint and the namesake of the capital of the island. When
Known for being one of the most famous paintings in the collection of the Musée du Louvre in Paris, the painting represents the utmost peak of the Tuscan master’s ge.
Art aficionados in the UAE will soon be able to see one of the masterpieces of world art in person. Leonardo da Vinci’s ‘Saint John the Baptist’ is comi..
With the fall of Roe, the fight against abortion has taken new directions. What is the state of the pro-life movement today, and what needs to be done to make abortion illegal and unthinkable in all 50 states?