When Indonesian actor Rizky Billar's spouse reported him to the police last month for alleged domestic abuse, social media users buzzed with chatter about him being a "wife-beater". But as the scandal grew, the online discussion descended into a different front: his sexuality. "They say men fall into two types: jerks and gays, but Rizky Billar is both," wrote Senja.
With Indonesian President Joko Widodo barred by the constitution from seeking a third term, the 2024 presidential election will be wide open, meaning voters can choose a candidate propped up by the old guard or an outsider, as Widodo once was, to lead the world's third-largest democracy. Speculation is already rife about some figures, including twice-defeated presidential nominee turned Defence.
JAKARTA (The Jakarta Post/Asia News Network): The most recent opinion poll, which focuses on the 2024 electoral outlook of young voters, has revealed that social media darlings and governors Ganjar Pranowo of Central Java and Anies Baswedan of Jakarta are young voters’ firm favourites and presidential hopefuls – edging out Defence Minister Prabowo Subianto in a three-horse race.
JAKARTA (The Jakarta Post/Asia News Network): The opposition Democratic Party leader Agus Harimurti Yudhoyono made a fresh bid to reinvigorate the party and his political fortune by growing more assertive against President Joko 'Jokowi' Widodo ahead of the 2024 presidential election.