On Saif Ali Khan's 53rd birthday this Wednesday, the creators of his forthcoming film, "Devara," delighted fans by revealing the actor's first look. Sharing the spotlight with Jr NTR and Janhvi Kapoor, Saif's character in the film is introduced through a captivating poster, which was shared across social media platforms by the filmmakers and Jr. NTR himself.
If all the characters that Saif Ali Khan has played in the past few years come together in a room, will they be able to talk? I doubt that. Why? Because they will have nothing in common.
As Saif Ali Khan turned 53, Kareena Kapoor Khan penned an adorable birthday wish for him on social media. Karisma Kapoor also wished Saif on his birthday.
Saif Ali Khan Birthday 2023: His fashion evolution on-screen has been one for the ages. Join us as we take a walk through the alleyways of his fashion game