The revelation, aired in a series of tweets from the award-winning author, was accompanied with words of praise for wife Sadiqa Kendi - who he said has been privately battling the disease for months.
This week, Tamara Lanier's continuing quest for justice, the Airbnb guest from hell, Canada's Nazi problem, ancient LA, the cover of Salman Rushdie's new book, and more.
In an interview, Dr. Ibram X. Kendi said that the recent turmoil surrounding the Center for Antiracist Research he launched at Boston University should be understood as the growing pains of a young, fast-moving organization still finding its footing while facing strong headwinds.
Boston University launched an inquiry into Ibram Kendi’s anti-racist think tank for potential mismanagement of funds. Several former staff members alleged mismanagement of funds, high turnover, and chaos have been present since the beginning. The think tank laid off a third of the staff last week, a