Gayatri Projects: Mark AB was offering a total of ₹650 crore, of which only ₹50 crore was upfront cash, ET had reported in October. It was the only serious offer lenders had received, which has now been rejected because of its low value.
Mark AB was offering a total of ₹650 crore, of which only ₹50 crore was upfront cash, ET had reported in October. It was the only serious offer lenders had received, which has now been rejected because of its low value.
Gayatri Projects: The bankers had received two expressions of interest (EOIs) earlier this year but the other joint bid from two individuals did not result in a serious offer, people familiar with the process said.
The bankers had received two expressions of interest (EOIs) earlier this year but the other joint bid from two individuals did not result in a serious offer, people familiar with the process said. Mark AB s offer includes a small upfront payment, with the remaining payment differed after two years.