Who Is Sahil Khan? All you need to know about the Bollywood actor-fitness trainer arrested in Mahadev Betting App scam. Sahil was detained from Chattisgarhs Jagdalpur. He will remain in police custody till May 1, 2024.
Stay updated with the latest entertainment news from April, featuring Shah Rukh Khan, Bhojpuri actress Amrita Pandey, Arushi Sharma, Diljit Dosanjh, Salman Khan, and Sahil Khan.
Despite the summons, actress Tamannaah Bhatia has been actively participating in the film promotion of her upcoming Telugu movie, Aranmanai 4, which is slated to release next month. - Tamannaah Bhatia Promotes Aranmanai 4, Despite Being Summoned By Cyber Cell For Promoting Mahadev Betting App
Nearly 1,800 km across five states in four days - actor Sahil Khan's cross-country adventure to avoid being arrested in the Mahadev betting app case came to a halt on Saturday when he was arrested from Chhattisgarh's Jagdalpur.