The transfer of unclaimed cash from the Sahara-Sebi Refund Account to the Consolidated Fund of India is being investigated by the government, with the intention of compensating investors who later file claims.
the Union Minister for Cooperation Amit Shah transferred the first instalment of a refund of Rs 10,000 to 112 depositors who had requested it through the CRCS-Sahara Refund Portal on August 4, 2023.
Sahara refund: The claimed amount will be credited immediately to the depositor s Aadhaar seeded bank account 45 days following the successful claim submission.
Before claiming for a refund, the investor should make sure that their Aadhaar card is linked to their mobile number, and second, the Aadhaar card must be linked to their bank account
Depositors of these Societies are required to submit their claims by completing the online application form on the portal and uploading the required paperwork.