Written a book Charlton Heston, talking to him on book tv about politics when did mr. Heston become political . Actually he was political for most of his life. He was part of the greatest generation. He saw action in world war ii, off the coast of alaska. He was on several missions because he was trained as a radioman. He enlisted after pearl harbor he was in school and took him a year to call him if up and just before he went out the married his wife and they were married for 65 years. When he was in aleutians they were about to the soldiers were about to invade japan for the final big push, and the estimate was that the army would lose up to a million men. When he bombs were dropped on hiroshima and nagasaki he was overvowed. That was other overjoyed and hat semenned hestons political view. For for the world war ii soldiers think greatest generation men and women, there is a very clear delineation between right and wrong, and between good and bad. They all felt that they were the goo