Jhalak Dikhhla Jaa 11 s upcoming weekend is set to introduce the 6 wildcard contestants. Awez Darbar with choreographer Vaishnavi Patil, Dhanashree Verma with choreographer Sagar Anjaya Bora, Manisha Rani with choreographer Ashutosh Pawar, Sagar Parekh with choreographer Shivani Patel, RJ Glenn Saldanha with choreographer Arundhati Garnaik and Nikhita Gandhi with choreographer Vipul Kandpal. The talented wild card entries are all set to shake things up and bring an added layer of excitement to the already fierce competition. However, Malaika Arora reveals from the 6 wildcard contestants only 4 of them will continue with their journey. Take a look at what they had to share about being a part of the show