Truth, beauty, faith, and magic form the conceptual and thematic core of four feature-length films from Costa Rica, Mexico, Spain, and the United States that OLA of Eastern Long Island will screen during its 19th annual Latino film festival that will take place over four days, September 15-18, 2022. All films are in Spanish with English subtitles.“We are delighted to be partnering for the first time with the Westhampton Beach Performing Arts Center, in addition to our longtime partner the Parrish Art Museum and, for the third year in a row, Sag Harbor Cinema,” says OLA’s executive director, Minerva Perez. “We’re celebrating our 20th year as a Latino-focused advocacy organization and are thrilled to be sharing with the East End our most exciting film festival yet. The lineup of films is truly amazing. They are all visually and thematically rich and all very different from each other.”
Billy Joel snuck into the Sag Harbor Cinema to see his own movie Billy Joel: Live at Yankee Stadium, reports Newsday. The movie is a re-edited and remixed
Billy Joel snuck into the Sag Harbor Cinema to see his own movie Billy Joel: Live at Yankee Stadium, reports Newsday. The movie is a re-edited and remixed fil
Billy Joel was in attendance at Sag Harbor Cinema on Long Island for a screening of “Billy Joel: Live at Yankee Stadium,” a film on his 1990 concert that.