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Tunisian MP Safi Said: The Tunisian Revolution Died In Its Cradle A Decade Ago And Has Achieved Nothing
#8552 | 01:45
Source: France 24 Arabic TV (France)
Safi Said, an independent Tunisian MP, said in a December 19, 2020 interview on France 24 Arabic TV that nothing has been achieved since the revolution in Tunisia, that there has been no increase in freedom or justice, that Tunisia is poor, and that Tunisia’s democracy will fail if it continues as it is.
Safi Said: Tunisia has achieved nothing [since the revolution]. Even the civil state is old and has existed in Tunisia since the 19th century. I am saying that nothing has been achieved. Where are the achievements of the revolution? Where is justice? Where is [the reform in] the judicial system? Where are the freedoms that you are talking about? Cursing and cussing on Facebook? The entire world enjoys that [freedom], and [even] this is not thanks to the revolution. Wait a minute, this is not a pessimistic pe