schwarbar. i awoman was hit in the head after that line drive right between the eyes. she was sitting a few rows from the field at the braves cubs game. on friday, a fan in detroit was injured after being hit by a foul ball behind the tigers dug out. a daring hike through the grand tee ton national park ends with two women falling to their deaths. these two ladies slipped 200 feet off of one of the tallest peaks. they were well off the normal route and they were not using any safety ropes. the friend that they were hiking with also slipped but she landed on another ledge and phoned for help. both women were experienced hikers. rangers says they were traveling through rough terrain when they fell. the florida state attorney who gain nationwide attention for prosecuting casey anthony is now caught in the middle of the
looks like he s wearing leggings, which is a great fashion statement. even if he s wearing leggings, he s definitely not wearing a harness, and he says he s got a good reason for that. translator: safety ropes and safety equipment are, first of all, a pain in the neck. you become excessively dependent and attached to them which means that you have to get everything right even more. as if there s any room for error when performing stunts 700 feet above the ground. translator: i did all of the moves a certain way. i did what i knew i could do physically. if i could do it 50 times on the ground, i could do it 50 times up there. there s a stereotype about russian fatalism, which i think can be really overplayed but seems to be real when it comes to issues of health and safety. the attritional adjective has been basically, well, whatever happens happens. it s not in my hands. after five minutes, the three friends climb down the radio tower and post the video, showcasing their ne
broken window and prepare to grab the safety ropes to pull the scaffold into the building. now they re eye level with the scaffold, close enough to see the fear on the faces of those two men. they were terrified. they didn t think they were going home that day. firefighters try to make a bigger hole in the glass to give the window washers more room, but there s no time. when the scaffold collides again with the building, at the precise spot where firefighters are waiting the two frightened men seize the moment. they didn t wait. they were so afraid that they literally just dove through that small opening. after their 15-minute terrifying wild ride, oscar gonzalez and hector estrada break down. they are grateful to be alive. translator: we really thought the cables would snap and the scaffold would crash down. thank god it didn t. translator: when the wind started we tried to hold on to the cables on the building, but
to get a visual of this. you arrive on scene, you see a little bit of glass. and then midway through the incident it looks like an armageddon. it looks like a war zone down there. firefighters immediately cordon off the area. you had a wild, swinging arc of the scaffolding. looked like a locomotive in between the buildings. the obvious question was someone s going to get seriously hurt and someone could die. and something had to be done quickly. crews rush inside the building, hoping they can catch the scaffold the next time it hits. we started running down the hallway. i was in the lead. i was screaming, make a hole, make a hole. we were trying to judge exactly where it was going to hit. we knew we had one shot. we knew it was coming in, we just didn t know which window it was going to come in at. the firefighters reach a broken window and prepare to grab the safety ropes to pull the scaffold into the building. now they re eye level with the scaffold, close enough to see t
wearing a harness, and he says he s got a good reason for that. translator: safety ropes and equipment are, first of all, a pain in the neck. you become excessively dependent and attached to them which means you have to get everything right even more. as if there s any room for error when performing stunts 700 feet above the ground. translator: i did all of the moves a certain way. i did what i knew i could do physically. if i could do it 50 times on the ground, i could do it 50 times up there. there s a stereotype about russian fatalism which i think can be overplayed but seems to be real when it comes to issues of health and safety. traditional adject, whatever happens, happens, it s not in my hands. after five minutes, the three friends climb down the radio tower and post the video, showcasing their nerves of steel. translator: we showed other people what the body s able to do physically. we wanted to motivate them.