by afampov · June 2, 2021
OneHolyoke CDC Continues Holyoke COVID Vaccine, Safety Outreach with Massachusetts COVID-19 Community Grant
Additional Round of Funding Provides Vaccine Outreach and
Resources for Holyoke Residents
Holyoke One
Holyoke Community Development Corporation has received an additional round of funding from the Massachusetts COVID-19 Community Grants Program, which is administered by Health Resources in Action (HRiA), in partnership with the Massachusetts Department of Public Health. The purpose is to provide education and resources about the COVID-19 vaccine to Holyoke residents and continued education about mitigation strategies.
With this renewed funding, One
Holyoke CDC is taking COVID-19 vaccine education “on the road,” hosting a series of outdoor and livestreamed events throughout the city where individuals can have their questions about the vaccine answered by healthcare providers.