THERE has always been a proportion of fraud in any US election ( Trump s election fraud claims taking root among Republicans , The Herald, December 10). Just one instance is the California county which in a previous election managed to have 120 per cent of those eligible to vote recorded as voting. The most significant event was not as the article seemed to focus on the cases in federal and state courts, as these were almost inevitably going to go against the President. The action of the Texas Attorney General (AG) has the potential to be the game changer. As he is accusing four states of unconstitutional administration of the voting process this will be heard by the Supreme Court, therefore bypassing these states courts. If the Supreme Court finds in favour of the Texas AG then these states electoral college vote will not be counted and Trump will have won the election. Up to now it has just been local skirmishes but now the real battle is enjoined. I am sure the Democrats ar