Tragically, Sawadi’s untimely demise is not an isolated incident. In 2018, model and influencer Tara Fares fell victim to a similar fate when she was fatally shot by gunmen in Baghdad. Such incidents serve as stark reminders of the ongoing challenges faced by individuals navigating the complex landscape of civil liberties in Iraq. - Newsx
Mr Ignatius Baffour Awuah, Minister of Employment and Labour Relations (MELR), says a strong Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) policy and legislation for the administration of OSH is in the offing. Several Civil Society Organisations and human right activists, in recent times, have expressed concern over the absence of a…
World Day For Safety And Health At Work 2023: “Workplace Stress: a collective challenge” is the theme of this year’s celebration. Check the theme, history, significance and key facts on
At least two Independent senators are contending that the amendments to the legislation providing for the health and safety protection of workers have not gone far enough. When the Safety And Health At Work (Amendment) Bill 2022 was debated in the Senate yesterday, Dr Kristina Hinds and Andrew Mallalieu both suggested the amendments did not address issues related to the changing face of the workplace brought about by the COVID-19 …