in the digital footprint the dentist left behind. i ve bee n worried about tiktok for years is chinese finiteness, to talk all but ceo admitted it on congress, how communist china may be using it to control our kids think. colleges with safe spaces, i m tired of safe spaces. i have an unfiltered rate i p promise you you re notro going o want to miss no safe spaces, p headset is here to react, don t miss that. everything the democrats t warned us was going to happen s under the trump presidency don t you find the audits happeningbi under bideden presidency?is it would happen under trump , tapley now under biden, the hysteria was endless. trump is getting bring about thp police state and take the economy he s definitely going to cause a nuclear war and build a follow shelter tomorrow. the democrats and the media in our licking their chops in thegh prospect of arresting and indicting trump they want to walk so bad, grand jury so far seems to suck really bad on a 1 - 10 suck
screwed, there are no safe spaces there are no safe spacese in law enforcement, no safes spaces in the business world and no safe space anywhere they are teaching you to go out of business a g station and do it across the table with the savage and going to steal everything from your wallet with the business negotiation if he realizes you are weak your tea school qc timeout and safe spaces are teaching you how tohi beng a was the world is a hard a place for a lot of beauty you get to see your kids soccer games and amazing sunsets and better sunrises, god has given us so many gifts. let me telanl you something it comes at a price and there s not a damn safe space anywhere, anyo moment could bu e the end that s a real shame you better toughenp up if you reus on a college cams where the teaching you thiscr crap, get aba refund right now d get a real world education you find out right quick that safed spacesyo are bowl. i m done i think, here to react