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Britannica Shop provides useful guides to everyday living. This content is created by independent writers who have no influence on Britannica s editorial policies and standards. Britannica s editorial staff is not involved in the creation of this content. When you make a purchase using these links, Britannica may receive revenue.
On average, American drivers spend approximately an hour per day behind the wheel and log over 11,000 miles annually, a statistic that is steadily increasing. So whether you’re commuting back and forth to work, packing up the family for a road trip, or endlessly running the kids to their activities, you’re going to want to make sure that you are equipped with the latest accessories to make certain that your drive is not only safe, but enjoyable as well. From windshield covers to vacuum cleaners, from chargers to jumpstarters, from emergency tools to dash cams, there’s something for everyone to help ensure that both you and y