India News: IATA estimates that SAF production is expected to triple to 1.875 billion liters in 2024, accounting for 0.53% of aviation's fuel needs and 6% of rene
President Joe Biden launched a challenge in 2021 to supply at least 3 billion gallons of SAF annually by 2030, a steep jump from the current 15.8 million gallons as per U.S. government data.
Honeywell will collaborate with GranBio Technologies to produce sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) using GranBio s AVAP technology and Honeywell s ethanol-to-jet (ETJ) technology. The AVAP process converts biomass into low-cost sugars, lignin, and nanocellulose, which can be used to produce SAF and biochemicals. The partnership aims to achieve carbon-neutral SAF production by utilizing abundant biomass feedstocks. Honeywell s renewable fuels portfolio also includes ethanol-to-jet technology and eFuels. GranBio s subsidiary AVAPCO has received an $80 million grant from the US Department of Energy to support a demonstration plant that will produce 2 million gallons of SAF per year.
safs. market forces are not going to be enough here. market forces are not going to be enough. reporter: they re trying to convert waste from steel mills into ethanol. it is building a high tech plant using a different technology that has potential to increase saf production. what we re doing here in this plant is carbon cycling. the carbon had a primary use in the steel mill. and with this facility here we can ferment the carbon into a secondary use. this is unique. we use gases into alcohol, still fermention but it is not a yeast, it is a bacteria. bacteria can convert these into ethanol. reporter: three years in the make, the plant is financially backed by european and state authorities. it is due to be operational from 2022 and promises to deliver 64,000 tons of ethanol a year. that could be used for many sectors from fragrances and detergents to sustainable aviation fuels. we used to be steelmakers, we