Hyderabad: The Juvenile Justice Board (JJB) has permitted the Hyderabad police to take four minors into their custody for four days in the Jubilee Hills gangrape case. Earlier, the Hyderabad police appealed to the board for an exemption to try the accused children in conflict with law (CCL) as adults. The Juvenile Justice court has allowed the police to question the accused,
To ensure maximum punishment for all the accused in May 28 gangrape case in Hyderabad, the state police on Thursday informed that commissioner CV Anand will be urging the Juvenile Justice Board to conduct a trial against accused by considering them as adults and not minors.
BJP MLA M. Raghunandan Rao claims he released the images and video to establish the complicity of an AIMIM MLA’s son who, he alleged, was being protected by the police