The Border Security Force (BSF) flew a special helicopter sortie on Thursday to airlift a jawan deployed at a remote post along the Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir so that he could get home, about 2,500 kilometre away in Odisha, in time for his wedding.
SRINAGAR, Apr 28: The BSF flew a special helicopter sortie on Thursday to airlift a jawan deployed at a remote post along the Line of Control (LoC) in Jammu and Kashmir so that he could get home, about 2,500 km away in Odisha, in time for his wedding. Posted at a high-altitude post in the Machil sector along the LoC, 30-year-old Constable Narayana Behera’s wedding is scheduled to take place on May 2, a senior Border Security Force officer said. As […]
At a time when Hindu deities and traditions are being weaponised by the intertwined forces of Hindutva and caste oppression, these forms of Shiva offer us an alternative vision of peace and justice for all.