Ththterror attacks, most of them under the age of 30. Youth, he said, in all its diversity. The violinist from algeria, studying music at the sorbonne. The frfrch advertising executive who oncecettended the university of north texas. The architect from germany. The romanians who immigrated to paris to find a better life and found each other. Tonight, france celebrates who they were and weeps for what they might have been. The search for the terrorists widened today, and Elizabeth Palmer is following the investigigion. Liz. Reporter scott, the police say that tonight theyre looking for a second man who got away. That would make him the ninth terrorist, and they say they spotted him inside a car on surveillance camera video very near the place where the clients of the restaurants and cafes were gunned down. First, a police robot moved in to examine this car abandoned on a paris street. Then an officer broke in, arching for links to the terrorists. Police are scouring europe for evidence
That dont leave his mind. The faces of the 129 killed in the terror attacks, most of them under the age of 30, youth, he said, in all its diversity. The violinist from algeria, studying music at the sor bon. The french advertising executive who once attended the university of north texas. The architect from germany. The romanians who immigrated to paris to find a better life and found each other. Tonight, france celebrate who they were and weeps for what they might have been. The search for the terroristwidenned today, and Elizabeth Palmer is following the investigation. Liz. Reporter scott, the police say that tonight theyre look for a second man who got away. That would make him the ninth terrorist, and they say they spotted him inside a car on surveillance camera video very near the place where the clients of the restaurants and cafes first, a police robot moved in to examine this car abandoned on a paris street. Then an officer broke in, searching for links to the terrorists. Polic
Ats a much tougher task. The cbs overnight news will be right back. Almost sixty million americans are affected by mental illness. Together we can help them with three simple words. My name is chris noth and i will l lten. From maine to maui, thousands of High School Students across the country are getting in on the action by volunteering in their communities. Chris young action teams of High School Students are joining volunteers of america and Major League Baseball players to help train and inspire the next generation of volunteers. Carlos pea its easy to start an action team at your school so you, too, can get in on the action. Get in on the action at actionteam. Org. cause youll be in my heart yesyoull be in my heart now and forevermore. Narrator if animals are our best friends, shouldnt we be theirs . Visit your local shelter, adopt a pet. Youll be in my heart no matter what. Cbs cares. Ififou were a hippie in the 60s, you need to know. Its the dawning of the age of aquarius. Yeah
Concerned about leaving a trail for investigators. Knowing what they were about to do, he probably didnt think hed survive. And its unscheer why he did. But incredibly, in the pandemonium following the massacre, he called some friends to come and pick him up. They drove him back to belgium, where he vanished. The police have also asked for help in identifying this man, one of the suicide bombers at the football stadium who came to france onaise false syrian passport with a fake name. Picture, though, is accurate, and so the police say somebodys got to know who he is. Pelley elizabeth palmer, thank you, liz. In belgium, the hunt is focused on molenbeak, there was a raid there tonight and allen pizzey is there. Police say the operation tonight was not droactly targeting anyone in the paris attacks. They closed this dar for drug now one of the owners, salah abdeslam, is the subject of an International Arrest warrant for the paris attacks. His older brother was a suicide bomber there. This
Meet finley, a 10foot long tiger shark. The first gulf shark to be spot tagged. Here it is, finley the tiger shark for you to enjoy following across the gulf of mexico. Reporter this group of scientists just wrapped an expedition off the coast of texas. Tiger sharks, sort of the white shark of the gulf . Yes. Tiger sharks love to come in to beaches and estuaries. Reporter during their expedition, they tagged four sharks, two tigers and two hammerheads. Theyre posting all of their data to their websites, bringing global attention to a body of watt with an often muddy reputation. A lot of people think of the gulf as a mess, largely because of the spill. What kind of shape is the gulf in . I think the gulf is in pretty good shape. Its rebounding and full of life. Reporter and he hopes full of sharks. Remove too many and second tier predators would roam, throwing the ecosystem off balance. In the gulf, theyre optimistic. Fit over the past few decades, the influx of oil rigs has created jus