And to provide resources for organizations that help people impacted by addiction. When the stigma is removed, people will no longer be ashamed to ask for help and lives will be saved. If youre struggling with addiction, there is no shame in your illness. Please seek help. You are worth it. In my next four years as first lady, i will continue to build upon be best and work with individual states to pass legislation to take care of our most vulnerable. I plan to continue the work i have started with children in foster care as well as the minority communities and tribal nations. I want to ensure children are being protected and communities have the resources needed to combat drug addiction and child neglect or abuse. Like my husband and the administration, i will continue to encourage education that supports a childs individual needs. It is vital that children are given the Building Blocks to succeed. I also look forward to continuing my work to restore the peoples house, which is a last
Holy Hypocrisy [Re "Burlington Allows Parish to Demolish Historic Cathedral," January 11, online; Feedback, January 18]: So the Catholic church, which condoned and covered up.
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