Because of the poor reception it received from the press at E3 1996, Sega decided to scrap The Sacred Pools scheduled 1997 release. Gaming Alexandria, a website dedicated to archiving.
There are many beautiful places around Arizona to visit, however, some require perhaps an expert-level hiker or someone who gets a thrill from facing moderate-to-difficult journeys in nature.
The Rockford Society, Archaeological Institute of America, invites the public to its next free and fascinating multi-media presentation on archaeology, Via Zoom, on Thursday, September 29, 2022. Link and code available at near September 29. <br/>Topic: Ancestral Maya Pilgrimage - The Sacred Pools of Belize<br/>Guest Speaker: Professor Lisa Lucero, University of Illinois, Urbana<br/><br/>Please join us as Dr. Lucero, a practicing archaeologist for 30 years, presents Cara Blanca, Belize, a pilgrimage destination of the classic Maya over 1000 years ago. She uses insights from traditional Maya knowledge to promote tropical sustainability.<br/><br/>The Rockford Society provides additional information on lectures, events, trips, and archaeological topics on the web at<br/>