not disavow looting in the city of chicago as a means as achica. so i justifiable means. we have som so i think we have some pretty clear choices in chicago. it s just up to the voters to not fall for the narratives, not fall for the race baitingin and gaslighting, but to focus on what we need to do to put ou our city back together. so one candidate is for restoring safe streets. the other won t disavowt looting. so it seems a pretty clear choice . an urman lopez, i hope you llil come back with an update, th on that raceank . tha thank you so much. absolutely. thank you, tucker. in august of 2020, kyle rittenhouse shot three men in self-defense. there s no dispute that it was in self-defense. it s self-defens all on video. s and a jury reached thatfect same conclusion. that s a fact. he shot them in self-defense. but self-defense itself is no longer a defense. of the m it s becoming legal in thisen country. one of the men who tried to murder at a house with a guna in his hand ,
0 s and cancercine. before treatment get tested for tv. tell your doctor if you ve had an infection, flu like symptoms, sores, new skin symptoms, sores, new skin growths have had cancesome serrf you need a vaccine, preus, a rare, potentially fatal brain condition. maybelyour doctor howe possible. maybelyour doctor howe possible. some serious allergic reactions and lung inflammation can occur . feel unstoppable. ask your doctor how lasting remission can start with stelara. janssen can help you explore cost support options. good evening and welcomee le to tucker carlson. tonight, one thing ware havend e isarned after many years in yoe news business is that every once in a while you ve got eat s to eat some crowom to admit thas despite your best intentions, you were completely wrong.t are compleg about something. . tonight is one of those times for nearly four years now, we ve been under the impression, an impression we regularly communicatedunicatt o yoto you, our viewers, that actr
En términos interanuales, la variación de precios de la carne llegó a 85,3%, por lo que se movió muy por encima de la variación de precios del período, de 50,2% aproximadamente, lo cual implica un encarecimiento de los diversos cortes en términos reales .
El gobernador de Boyacá, Ramiro Barragán, junto a la Nueva Licorera de Boyacá y la Lotería de Boyacá,
entregaron de $2.000 millones para apoyar la financiación de la matrícula de los estudiantes de la Universidad Pedagógica y Tecnológica de Colombia (UPTC) para el primer semestre de 2021, que está por iniciar.
“Hoy con todo el esfuerzo estamos fortaleciendo la educación superior en el departamento. La educación es el camino. C
reemos en los sueños de nuestros jóvenes de la UPTC y por eso apoyamos su presente y su futuro”, dijo el mandatario departamental.