EAST LIVERPOOL Area fish fries for the Lenten holiday remain one of the largest fundraisers for area non-profit and social organizations during the spring, a
Common Pleas New Cases First Bank of Ohio, Tiffin, vs. Dylan Davis, Main Street, Leetonia; collection sought of $10,493 debt plus recovery of 2021 Kawasaki
FRI/4-7 Alliance Egg-Cellent storytime presented by Rodman Public Library and Hot Pots, 11a.m.-noon, branch library; $15; register at hotpotspottery.com; information at 330-821-1313 Calcutta Calcutta Fire Department’s Annual Fish Fry, 3-7 p.m.; traditional dine in setting, carry out, bake sale and Chinese auction; tickets available at Sabatini Shoes, 4 Seasons Mini Mart, St. Clair Township Travel […]
FRI/4-7 Alliance Egg-Cellent storytime presented by Rodman Public Library and Hot Pots, 11a.m.-noon, branch library; $15; register at hotpotspottery.com; in
THU/4-6 Beloit West Branch Athletic Boosters bingo, bingo hall; doors open at 4:30 p.m., early tickets called at 6 p.m., and Jumpin’ Jack (51 numbers for $1,500) will be called at 6:45 p.m., followed by regular bingo. Kitchen open, instant tickets and computers available. Info at 330-509-1209 Boardman DARE Singles Group, new member meeting, 7-9 […]