they re in an abandoned building where the attack was launched. fewer than ten taliban are believed to be involved. republic saying two americans could be released in days. that is if the men s families pay bail of $1 billion. josh fattal and shane bauer have been in custody since they went on that hike in 2009. iran sentenced them to eight years for spying and illegal entry. the americans say they were just hiking in iraq, accidently straying into iran. texas governor rick perry may feel like he is a punching bag this morning. seven republicans who trailed perry in the polls, they roughed him up in the cnn tea party presidential debate last night. topics in tampa ranging from social security and immigration to job creation. i think governor perry would agree if you re dealt four aces, that doesn t nestle make a great doesn t necessarily make a great poker player. you lost me when you started talking about poker. coming up, the slams and spin and facts and fiction
i think she s stuck with the network because of the attacks. we ll is more in the next hour. live from studio 7, i m drew griffin in for suzanne, who s on assignment in dangerous conditions in afghanistan. let s get you up to data on this tuesday, september 13. taliban fighters attacking the u.s. embassy with rocket-propelled grenades and guns. u.s. troops trying to flush these guys out. they re in an abandoned building where the attack was launched. fewer than ten taliban are believed to be involved. republic saying two americans could be released in days. that is if the men s families pay bail of $1 billion. josh fattal and shane bauer have been in custody since they went on that hike in 2009. iran sentenced them to eight years for spying and illegal entry. the americans say they were just hiking in iraq, accidently straying into iran. texas governor rick perry may feel like he is a punching bag this morning. seven republicans who trailed perry in the polls, they roug
united states has put some boots on ground in libya, eight of them. despite repeated assurances from the president that wouldn t happen. officials say four u.s. troops are in libya, not battalions troops. they are there to help assess damage on the embassy. statement released from district attorney gadhafi claiming the rebels are surrendering libya to foreigners. not clear where he may be. one of his sons is now in neighboring niger. officials there intend to detain saadi gadhafi who crossed over the border over the weekend. the website described it as a good to see you michael. you make anything of this? it is part of the gradual process of gadhafi s regime falling apart and any hope of
larger economy. if greece goes, people worry about what comes next and where it gets from periphery to the heart of europe. countries like italy, they have got a large debt pile, 2.7 trillion u.s. dollars worth. back to you. steve sedgwick, thank you very much for laying that out for us. appreciate it. rebel fighters say one of the former libyan leader moammar gadhafi s son, saadi gadhafi has escaped to niger this action prompted the new libyan government to call for the younger gadhafi s immediate extradition to libya to stand trial for suppressing its forces. niger s justice minister confirms the reports. it s also believed one of gadhafi s other sons, saif fled to niger in the last few weeks but his whereabouts are not none. while colonel gadhafi remains at large, rebel fighters are stalled outside his hometown of sirte and bani walid.
strongest leader, perry and once again double digits ahead of romney. most likely to get the economy moving, say it with me, rick perry. a rick perry sweep in this poll. that debate tonight, as you now know, from tampa, 8:00 p.m. eastern time, co-hosted by cnn and the tea party express. eight republican ready to go. joins me from austin, texas, the guy who knows rick perry like no one else, we ve discovered here, wayne schrader of the dallas morning news. wayne, as a guy who s dofred rick perry for years and years, are you surprised to see him rocket to the top of the pack? a month ago today the governor hadn t even entered the presidential race. two months ago he hadn t even decided whether he was going to enter the race. honestly no, i think he is the p perfect candidate at the perfect moment in the perfect campaign, his side thinks. this is a campaign where voters are anxious, they re angry, they want somebody who looks like a leader, somebody strong and tough and is a