The Samsung Galaxy S21 FE has been launched at Rs 49,999 in India. It is powered by the Exynos 2100 chipset, 12-megapixel triple rear cameras and a 4500mAh battery. Here’s how it is different from the higher-end Samsung Galaxy S21.
The Samsung Galaxy S21 FE has been listed for pre-orders in the country and will go on sale on January 11. It is likely to be a strong competitor to the OnePlus 9, launched last year. So let’s compare the specs, price and features of the two devices.
The Samsung Galaxy S21 FE has been listed for pre-orders in the country and will go on sale on January 11. It is likely to be a strong competitor to the OnePlus 9, launched last year. So let’s compare the specs, price and features of the two devices.
سامسونغ توقف إنتاج Galaxy S21 Fan أوقفت شركة سامسونغ للإلكترونيات إنتاج أحد هواتفها في الفئة المتوسطة، وهو هاتف Galaxy S21 Fan، ويرجع سبب ذلك إلى مشكلة نقص