Over in my six years in office i have seen america at its best. Ive seen the hopeful faces of young graduates from new york to california, and our newest officers at west point annapolis, colorado springs, and new london. Ive mourned with grieving families in tucson and newtown; in boston, west, texas, and west virginia. And optimistic in bighearted generation generosity who every day live the idea that we are our brothers keeper in our sisters keeper. I know they expect those of us who serve here to set a better example so the question for those of us here tonight is how we all of us, can better reflect americas hopes. I have served in congress with many of you. I know many of you well. There are a lot of good people here on both sides of the aisle. Many of you have told me that this is not what you signed up for. Arguing asked each other on cable shows, the constant fundraising, always looking over your shoulder at how at the reaction for every decision. Imagine if we look at of thes
Id like to have a conversation about the new Republican Congress you just elected, and how we plan to make washington focus on your concerns again. We heard the message you sent in november loud and clear. And now were getting to work to change the direction washington has been taking our country. The new Republican Congress also understands how difficult these past six years have been. For many of us, the sting of the economy and the frustration with washingtons dysfunction werent things we had to read about. We felt them every day. We felt them in red oak the little town in southwestern iowa where i grew up, and am still proud to call home today. As a young girl, i plowed the fields of our family farm. I worked construction with my dad. To save for college, i worked the morning biscuit line at hardees. We were raised to live simply, not to waste. It was a lesson my mother taught me every rainy morning. You see, growing up, i had only one good pair of shoes. So on rainy school days, m
The clerk the speakers room washington, d. C. , february 11 2015. I hereby appoint the honorable david w. Jolly to act as speaker pro tempore on this day. Signed, john a. Boehner, speaker of the house of representatives. The speaker pro tempore the chair will receive a message. The messenger mr. Speaker a message from the president of the United States. The secretary mr. Speaker, im directed by the president of the United States to deliver to the house a message in writer. The speaker pro tempore pursuant to the order of the house of january 6, 2015, the chair will now recognize members fromis smiedy the mority a mority leaders for morning hour debate. The chair will alternate recognition between the parties with each party limited to one hour and each member other than the jotyndinit leaders d the noty whip limited to five minutes, but in no event shall debate continue beyond 11 50 a. M. The chair recognizes the gentleman from illinois, mr. Dold, for five minutes. Mr. Dold thank you,
Right. I appreciate the work youve been doing. I was 26 years in the military and worked especially, dr. Rasmussen with your organization and my last assignment at u. S. Africa command running Current Operations there to include our counterterrorism operations. And im aware of yall dealing with the foreign fighting issue before people paying attention to it but we were watching it even back then, 20072010 where we had foreign fighters flowing from many places but into areas for al shabab Training Camps and aqap and north africa and ungoverned spaces as you know. And someone in the military, it caused great frustration as much as what weve been talking about today on the defense as youve been talking. But it needs to be a come comprehensive government approach but i would prefer to be on the offense primarily and that includes going after to these people that have decided to become combatants in a struggle against us like going after the core ideology. And you know this, we watched thou
The speaker the house will be in order. The prayer will be offered by our chaplain, father conroy. Chaplain conroy let us pray. Loving god, we give you thanks for giving us another day. As we meditate on all the blessings of life, we especially pray for the blessing of peace in our lives and in our world. Our fervent prayer, o god is that people will learn to live together in reconciliation and respect so that the terrors of war and violence will be no more. As you have created each person, we pray that you would guide our hearts and minds that every person of every place and background might focus on your great gift of life and so learn to live in unity. May your special blessings be upon the members of this assembly and the important, sometimes difficult, work they do. Give them wisdom and charity that they might Work Together for the common good. May all that is done this day in the peoples house be for your greater honor and glory, amen. The speaker the chair has examined the journ