Of its b besT Work whehen It Wa bending genre. Take something thatats fafamiliar and givive Sosome Chili P Pepper Advertisi is based on one thing, happiness is there any taboo that You Wouldnt break out ifif There E was a funnnny ideaea, Ws Wrwrong with you. Theres so mucuch Differen Storytelliling and so o many Difffferent Storories being G T Abouout so many Y Differenent P. I dont think dramatic Seseries Televevision has s even strongnger. Theheres s no longer r this Ththeory O of what popular entertainment must be. Job who are the heroes, the People Who watch thiS Show this is the week when the major Broadcast Networks unveiled their Fault Lineup of shows and every executive in hollywood knows how well the sopranos is doing Onon Cable W which is a a network prproblem. I think hbo altered everything for this reason alone, is there were no commercials. We are dependent on sponsors, right . There is soso much w We Can do i in Terms Ofo Languauage in n terms of V Viol Inin terms oF F se
c6 hello america i am mark levin and this is life, liberty & levin saturday. a power packed a guest illicit representative mike johnson speaker of the house followed by lara trump rnc coach a former senior advisor to president trump. before we get to our great guests we ve explained on this program that joe biden is a pathological liar. that is not hard to see. we ve also explained on this program that he is in the fifth stage of seven stages of dementia. that is not hard to see despite the best efforts of the propaganda that mediate to cover up for him. we have eyes, we have ears, we see and we here but we also know they are not to be trusted. but there is a third problem with joe biden he has a god complex. he s going to save democracy from donald trump. use essays going to save america from ronald reagan ronald reagan s diary he says there was some talk about senator biden he s talking to his staff, candidate for president someone cnn last night speaking to the joh