as a lawyer. on top of that you have an administration that says, hey look we are going to be the most transparent administration you ve ever seen, and yet we are not getting the documents that we ve asked for. over half the documents haven t even been provided. of the documents that have been provided, they ve either been highly retkaebgtd, an redacted, and in many cases the documents have been belonged. the problem is is that we ve got a department of justice that just isn t being straight with the american people. bill people. what more do you do after two years. bill: holder would argue there is an ongoing investigation, he does want -pbt to step on that. they ve given tens of thousands of people to the ig. this is what doj said of last thursday. the department strongly disputes the contention that we have failed to cooperate with the committee s review of fast and furious. that was last week. has there been anything since