The Kerala High Court on Tuesday sought the response of State to a petition alleging that members of RSS were illegally encroaching and conducting mass drills on premises of Sree Rakthakanda Swamy Temple.
A plea has been moved before the Kerala High Court against alleged inaction of the Ombudsman for the Local Self Government Institutions (LSGI) in discharging his legal and statutory duties for the.
The Kerala High Court has quashed a rape case based on false promise of marriage, finding that the parties (accused and de facto complainant) had gotten married under the Special Marriage Act.Taking.
Several senior citizens holding savings bank accounts and enrolled under various fixed deposit/other schemes in the Kandala Service Co-Operative Bank have approached the Kerala High Court seeking.
The Kerala High Court recently set aside an order of the Magistrate Court allowing respondent s application in the suit to amend their pleadings stating that amendments, that are not required for.