Making sure to keep that flame burning bright as they remember daren reed. I decide speak with a Police Sergeants wife. She remembers officer reeden about this, and heres what he had to say. Every time hed walk by my desk, hed stop and look at me, and he would make me smile, and is he wouldnt walk away until i did. [ crying ] we come to find out that officer darryne reed was only months away from retirement. He to continue out here as this vigil goes on. Remembering officer darrin reed. And you can tell by the turnout, emotion in the chiefs voice how much he misses officer reed. Tempe police are looking for a man who was following children at Arizona Mills Mall if you recognize this man, youre asked to call tempe police. A lot of frustrated people across the country following last nights president ial election. This was the scene on the streets of downtown chicago. Thousands there protested just outside of the trump tower, many all americans. Back here in the valley, students staged a