BATON ROUGE - Kathleen M. Wilson filed a complaint on November 1 in the U.S. District Court for the Middle District of Louisiana against Heineken USA for violation of the Louisiana Unfair Trade Practices Act, violation of state consumer fraud acts, breaches of express warranty, implied warranty of merchantability, Magnuson Moss Warranty Act, fraud and unjust enrichment.
BATON ROUGE Carl Cavalier filed a complaint on Sept. 30 in East Baton Rouge Parish District Court against the State of Louisiana: Department of Public Safety and Corrections, Public Safety Services and the Office of State Police.
BATON ROUGE - Leonard Hollins Jr. filed a federal complaint on October 4 in the Middle District of Louisiana against Zachary Police Department through the City of Zachary, Officer Anthony D'Esposito and Chief of Police David McDavid for violation of the Fourteenth Amendment.
BATON ROUGE – Louisiana’s Department of Corrections is fighting a lawsuit filed by a female officer who was allegedly raped by a male inmate because prison doors at Elayn Hunt didn’t work properly.
BATON ROUGE Missy Martin, as power of attorney for her mother Geraldine Martin, filed a complaint in July in Iberia Parish District Court against Nexion Health at New Iberia South, Inc., d/b/a New Iberia Manor South.