Here are some highlights from the New York State Legislature’s proposed Revenue portions of the State’s 2023-24 Budget (Assembly Bill 3009/Senate Bill 4009)(the “Budget”).
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On January 19, 2021, New York State Governor Andrew M. Cuomo submitted his Executive Budget, applicable to the state’s fiscal year beginning April 1, 2021. The governor’s proposal, which will now be the subject of public hearings and negotiations, contains several potentially significant tax provisions:
S Corporation Conformity. Under the proposal, all federal S corporations would be treated as pass-through New York State S corporations. Currently, New York State S corporation treatment is elective, except for federal S corporations with investment income above 50 percent of federal gross income, for which the S corporation election is mandatory. The governor’s memorandum in support notes that this proposal would not only simplify tax filings and conform with S corporation treatment in most states, but would also “eliminate potential tax avoidance schemes.”