All Saint’s Catholic Church in Mayfair is having Christmas Eve mass at 5 p.m. All COVID-19 restrictions will be in place. Those who want to attend this service are asked to call Keith Liebaert at 306-246-4386 to register, as there is a limit to how many can be inside the church. Congratulations to Scott Lange and Breanne as they welcomed baby Rylynn Dawn born Nov. 17. Proud grandparents are Danny and Sandra Lange and great-grandpa Ralph Lange, all of the Mayfair area. There are some spectacular yard Christmas light displays in rural areas near Whitkow, Mayfair, Rabbit Lake and Meeting Lake. On a nice winter evening, spending a couple of hours touring them makes for a fun time. People go to extensive work, or as they call it, “a labour of love” creating out-of-this-world displays. They do it for the enjoyment of others. With the pandemic and more people working at home, a sale clerk at a local business said the sale of lights has been phenomenal this year. Probably not too