A few weeks ago, there were reports that BFFs Sumbul Touqeer Khan and Fahmaan Khan indulged in a fight while shooting for Colors TV’s Entertainment Ki Raat Housefull. While both of them haven’t yet reacted to it, Fahmaan has indirectly dismissed the reports by sharing a cute message for Sumbul after she recently won an award.
Imlie is one of the most loved and successful shows of television and Seerat Kapoor, who essays the role of “Chini” has won the hearts of the audience. Tellychakkar got in touch with the actress to ask her what made her take up the role of “Chini” and how she bagged the role. | Tellychakkar.com
Megha Chakraborty these days is appreciated for her performance in and as Imlie. In an exclusive conversation with TellyChakkar, she revealed her interest in doing reality shows. | Tellychakkar.com